Charter Oak Ed Foundation Update

The first week of March 2020, we were very lucky to be able to bring our 6th Graders together from all 5 of our elementary schools and host our March Madness Basketball Tournament.  After 5 days of round robin play, we had our championship game at COHS on March 9th and crowned the Badillo Panthers as the 2020 Champions.

That Friday, March 13th, we went into school closure during the beginning of the COVID 19 breakout.  It’s been a tough time for our students, parents, families, staff and community these last eight months.  The District has reworked the educational delivery system into an online program that requires a lot of new techniques and technology in order to continue to educate our students.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020, is Giving Tuesday.  We are raising funds through our Giving Tuesday Campaign to use for replacement Chromebooks for our students throughout the Charter Oak School District.  With Chromebooks going home with our students the Chromebooks are getting much more usage than usual and replacements are needed.

The Charter Oak Education Foundation would like to be able to help with this need.  We are hoping that our Partners will be able to donate to this campaign through our Facebook page, (Charter Oak Education Foundation) using the donate button, by mailing a check to:

P.O. Box, 1462
Covina, Ca 91722

Or by using PayPal through our Donate option up above.  Thank you for any donation you are able to make.